"As a mother, my job is to take
care of the possible
and trust God with the impossible."
author unkown
Madison's Hypotonia has caused her to
miss "normal" developmental milestones...Madison has created her own unique time table of accessing skills...you will
find "MADDIE'S TIME" in the charts below...
please remember that most of her
skills are running on a significant delay when compared with normal developing babies. Her most significant
delays are in gross motor skills and speech / language ~ expressive only.
Her delays, however, are global...affecting
all areas. Her global delays include gross motor, fine motor, self~help, communication & language skills, and
cognitive areas...she is only minorly impaired in social interaction areas...as she has a wonderful personality and loves
to "play" with others. Although she has these significant global developmental delays in the "big picture" she
is still progressing according to the books just on her own schedule. This is a positive...progression...no matter how delayed
is always a positive.
Madison's Developmental Milestones
(Gross Motor)
Head Control
December 2001
Between 8 & 9 months...her head
control really improved...finally got those belly pictures!!
Play with rattles/ baby gym
October 2001
Maddy was a people person for more than
1/2 of her 1st year of life...preferred people over toys...at 5 months she would hold onto a dolly and bat at her gym...but
not on a regular basis yet.
Rolling from back to belly
March 27, 2002
2 days before her 1st birthday...what
a sight! What a Celebration we had!! Madison rolled from back to belly first because of the hypotonia...she had more
control this direction.
Rolling from belly to back
April 14, 2002
The date of her big birthday bash...marks
her mastering of this skill...approximately 12 1/2 months old. As soon as she mastered this...she immediately began
to roll around the house!! She's the Rolling QUEEN!
September 24, 2002
18 months old
(can tripod for severl minutes)
March 2003
23 months old
(sitting unassisted)
June 2003
27 months
(sitting is nearly perfect)
July 2003
28 months
("W" sitting more and more...UGH)
May 2005
50 months
4 years old
(We don't think Madison's sitting
will improve any more than it is now.)
YIPEE!! Madison began to sit unassisted
for 5 minute intervals at a time. She is wobbly but can control her sitting somewhat. She uses her hands for support
(tripod position) and her legs are spread wide. She can not sit up straight but this is a HUGE start and an
awesome accomplishment. Two months ago...I would have told you I wasn't sure if she'd ever sit...now I KNOW SHE WILL!!
Madisons sitting continues to improve...she (at 20 months) is still relying on her arms for support but it is improving and
can hold a sitting position for about 10 minutes. Are goal for Madison is to have her sit without hand support by
24 months. Well...it happened...23 months and counting she really has nearly masted sitting! She can get up into sitting
from several different positions... And now currently at 27 months she's a pro...she still has her moments and is
very wobbly but she can compensate now and avoid spills! I can't believe my 27 month old is sitting well...I never thought
I'd be able to say that. On a negative note...she has begun to "W" sit...which needs to be watched as it can have negative
affects on her hips and legs. Right now...we are just happy she is doing this stuff on her own...if we tell her to "FIX"
her legs she will sit correctly. She still can't sit in water...her legs float up and her balance is still very bad...so
she falls...we have a bath seat coming!!
Believe it or not at 38 months...she still isn't very good at sitting...this
has got to be the longest process ever...we get lots of BOOS from falling over!!!
At 4 years old...Madison continues to fall over...not as often
but this is consistent with her lack of balance and dys-equalibrium. This might not improve but she has learned great
compensation skills and it doesn't often factor into daily life anymore. Her falling over hasn't discouraged her motivation!
Sitting with support
February 27, 2002
Can sit in a tripod position supporting
self with hands for 10 seconds...presently at 16 months she can sit unassisted in the tripod position for just over 60 seconds...great
improvement from February to July!!
Weight Bearing
End of April 2002
Madison was about 13 months old when
she began to weight bear well...she is doing it will her knees in the locked position but as her hip joints increase with
strength she will be able to tolerate this correctly! At 20 months...with the help of DAFOS (Dynamic Ankle/Foot
Orthosis)...Madison can stand at the coffee table her knees are still locked but she doesn't mind bearing the weight on her
ankles and feet anymore. The DAFOs give her a new security that has proved very helpful. Madison also toe points
and the DAFOs correct this and keep her foot at a 90 degree position. Madison is very unbalanced doing this and needs
constant parental supervision...but she does like to stand...so we take time out often throughout the day to let her stand
and play. Having sensory input into her feet and ankles are making her more aware of her body!
Commando (Army) Crawl
June 24, 2002 (2:52 PM)
THIS IS HUGE...Madison began commando
crawling at 15 months old. She uses her arms to pull her body around the floor...looks much like an inchworm better
known as the Army crawl. We are working on her ability to support her weight up on her knees...once she is strong enough
she will "hopefully" get around faster and easier up on her knees. I say "hopefully" because her physical therapists think
she may actually learn to walk first.
April 2003
25 months
(Getting into Quad position ~ Up on all fours ~ can rock)
October 2003
2 1/2 (30 months) years old
(Can finally crawl short distances in Quad ~ but prefers to combat
crawl ~ She's faster and exerts less energy this way!)
December 2003
(33 1/2 months ~ FINALLY crawling in Quad!!)
May 2004
(38 months old ~ Crawling in Quad about 1/2 the time ~ Is very
good at it...but prefers to combat crawl...SHE'S FASTER that way...lol!!)
May 2005
(50 mos ~ 4.2 years old ~ Madison still crawls 50% of the time
Quad and the other 50% in combat. She is faster and more
confident with the combat. We don't see much improvement in this area either!)
Madison can not crawl "normally" yet
at 28 months...
but we are working really hard with
her. She is pulling her knees in on a regular basis and sometimes can even get her belly off the floor now in Quad Position.
Her arms are getting stronger and on occassion she will even extend them up and will rock back and forth. This last
for only a couple of seconds before she "topples" but with perserverence and practice she will get stronger and more cooridinated.
I forgot PRAYER is also an important factor!! At 30 months old Madison is able to crawl a few steps in quad position...boy
does it look good...she prefers crawling combat method...as she is faster this way. Crawling in quad takes much coordination
and energy...something Madison still lacks...but at least we know now...she CAN do it if she wants too.
July 2003
(28 months) ~Standing will holding onto furniture with much support
May 2004
(38 months) ~ Still only standing with supports! ~ But is doing
it a lot more often and is getting up herself and getting down herself. She is my daredevil!!
June 2005
(51 months / 4.3 years)
Madison can not stand without some sort of support. She has
to hold onto something to maintain a standing position. Her balance or lack of is the biggest obstacle of all for standing
and walking. Her compensation and manipulation is outstanding and often hides her lack of balance!
May 2007
(6.2 years)
Can stand for a few seconds (5) without falling over
The therapists and doctors don't know
when Maddie will be able to stand independently. This has been no easy task and she lacks balance and strength in her
trunk and hips...these are important for standing. Madison can stand with the support of her DAFOS while holding
onto something...but she can not stand alone, at 28 months. Madison at 30 months (October 2003) can pull to stand at
the coffee table and the sofa. She is doing well with this especially if her DAFOS are on. She still can not stand
independently. At 34 months she is pulling to stand nicely and can cruise on the sofa. She still can not stand
At 6.2 years old, it is unlikely that Madison will ever stand for
more than a few seconds independently. Balance isn't something you can teach and unfortunately when they were handing
out balance they missed Maddie!!
May 2004
(38 months) ~ Walking independently for Madison might be a stretch
ever...we won't lose faith...she is walking with supports for short distances. Can walk with a medical walker independently
for about 10 steps...HEY it's STILL WALKING!!
June 2005
(51 months / 4.3 years)
She can not walk independently and this is very far off.
Maddie can walk with a walker for only about 10 steps still...not much improvement. she tires quickly. It is still
walking though...so we are thrilled! Madison can use her wheelchair very well. She is slow with it but maneuvers
it beautifully!
May 2007
(6.2 years old)
It is unlikely that Madison will ever walk independently but she
is running with a reverse walker, called a wenzelite. She is terrific in her wheelchair when she is exhausted
from walking.
At 28 months, Madison is acquiring some
prewalking skills...If you hold her hands and say "Madison take a step" she will take steps and try to walk...she likes doing
this...she feels like a big girl! Mommy's back on the otherhand is BREAKING! Madison is not yet cruising furniture...but
recently was fitted for a new back/trunk orthosis which should give her more support. Between this and her DAFOS...perhaps
she will feel secure enough to try to cruise??
October 2003 ~ Madison is 30 months
and will try to cruise while holding onto the sofa. She is actually take nice side steps using mostly the strength of
her arms to drag her legs around. It is a huge milestone for us one that we hope keeps improving.
Madison is walking with a gait trainer
(Rifton Pacer ~ with full supports) and does this quite nicely. She can not move it on our carpet which limits the places
we can actually use this...we've been walking through the mall with it...lol. Madison can not walk with out supports
but we are not giving up the hope that she eventually will. She is being fit for a wheelchair to aide her transition
to handicap preschool.
At 34 months, Madison can also walk a few unstable steps with a
Guardian Reverse Walker. It is scary for her but she has the motivation to keep trying. THANKS for your support.
Walking independently is a goal
we'd love to see happen...however at 38 months it is unlikely to happen any time soon...if ever...I have to admit we
have started to let go of this goal. It just isn't so important to US anymore...if it happens HURRAY...if not...that's
OK too! Her biggest problems with walking is her bad coordination and balance. Can't teach her to have BALANCE!!
At 6.2 years old Madison is walking with a walker. It is
walking just with help!! She won't ever walk without assistance.
Madison's development is extremely
slow but progress is continuing with each passing week...she seems to have a huge progression and then she levels out
for awhile...followed by another huge progression!
Sometimes it is frustrating to
see how much effort she puts forth to do simple tasks, while they come so easily for other babies. Everything she does,
every move, every sound is a struggle...she requires great motivation and lots of energy. We work with her daily on
our own to encourage her growth and development...Madison is a fighter! and we fight for her! We celebrate each
milestone and appreciate them so much more than a parent with out a "special child"...we even celebrate the silly ones!!
The following table marks
some of her major "fun" milestones as well as some other skills! You will see that indeed, Madison is on her own schedule
but still progressing!
Madison's Fine Motor, Language
and other "FUN" Milestones
June 8, 2001
2 1/2 months came the first smile for
her MOMMY!! Madison has been smiling ever since...her therapist think she is the
"Happiest baby ever"
August 7, 2001
At 4 months Madison giggled first for
Christopher, the big brother, then the rest of us!!
Play With & Manipulate Toys
March 6, 2002
Really began touching and "playing"
with toys finally at 11 months old...at 16 months still learning how to "play" and manipulate toys...nothing has come easy
for our girl...she even has to work on playing!!
Pick up small objects
June 2002
Just over 14 months Madison began to
pick up little objects...Honey Combs, cheerios, little bits of bread...she is finally beginning to feed herself. This
fine motor skill has been very difficult for Madison...her pincher grasp is still not totally refined at 16 months.
First Tooth
December 10, 2001
8 1/2 months old and no more "GUMMY
BEAR"...this is probably the only part of Madison's development that hasn't been delayed...and yet her first one is a little
Babbling sounds with consonants
December 17, 2001
Almost 9 months before DADADA graced
her vocab...but soon after followed...BABABA and NANANA, TATATA and last but not least MAMAMA...speech has shown some delays...7
months later and still no real words...at 15 months finally began using MAMAMA with a purpose and now when she sees Daddy...she
will say DADADA.
First Real Words
September 2002
17 months old
May 2005
50 months old
4.2 years old
(Madison's speech is unclear and labored ~ She has dysarthria.
She is still only saying first syllables of words and doesn't talk often ~ but she understands EVERYTHING. She will
probably always have difficulties with speech...she does sign and has a Dynavox for communication)
Madison at 17 months began calling me
"MOM" with a purpose. She uses it all the time when she wants something. It is her only true word so far.
Madison receives speech therapy twice a week and her therapists are pretty sure she "will eventually talk". The Hypotonia
has affected her ability to speak (all muscle related). Madison understands some simple "signs" and hopefully will be
able to use them as she grows stronger. As far as understanding words she is pretty receptive and we know she understands...mommy,
daddy, kitty, dog, Chris, No, Where'd it go?, Bye Bye, Hi, etc...Mostly simple words. Currently, at 30 months, Madison
has about a 75 single word vocabulary or should I say annunciations of certain words..."WE" understand her but others do not.
Madison will not attempt two syllable sounds/ words. She usually does not initiate conversation, but she understands
everything you say to her. She is even following simple directions. Her receptive language is incredible but the
expressive still lacks. She is more curious with babbling and sometimes will talk with her dollies or bears. We
are still signing to Madison and she understands a lot of signs but can not manipulate them unfortunately because of her coordination/dyspraxia
issues. We have recently begun using Augmenative Communication in the form of the PECS system. We won't know how
this works for awhile, but I have HIGH hopes as her cognitive function is high.
Table Food
March 2002
July 2003
28 months
(Madison can finally eat just about any type of table food ~
Still gagging with some mixed textures ~ Popcorn is still a NO
NO ~ as well as some meats ~ BUT SHE LOVES TO EAT NOW!!
Most of Madison's nourishment is dependent
on her bottle still...she still eats mostly 2nd stage baby food...we have begun to introduce her to table foods very slowly...Madison
has had severe gagging and swallowing problems (hypersenitive gag & sensory integration issues in her mouth only)
because of the hypotonia...any new textures are met with a gag and a vomit...this has been our biggest feat because she is
borderline "Failure to thrive" and can't manage to keep weight on. This month Madison has been able to swallow and chew
some soft table foods for the first time...bread with butter, mac & cheese, PB & J sandwiches...anything in little
itty bitty pieces that breaks down easily. At 16 months Madison is learning to chew better and can now feed herself the itty
bitty pieces but still can not swallow anything other than easily chewed foods...carbs mostly...her carrots, meats and veggies
are still 2nd stage foods...Mixed textures are a definate NO NO (rice pudding, rice, jello, cereal with milk)...these foods
are two confusing for a brain connection...she doesn't know if she should swallow or chew...the therapist tell me that with
time a perserverence this "too shall come". In the meantime we are still coping with a lot of vomitting and have had
to put her on pedisure and carnation instant breakfast for calories and nutrients...they say if Madison can not hold her own
weight and growth...she will need a feeding tube...we are trying to avoid this at all COSTS. Don't be confused...Madison
does not have a reflux condition...only mixed textures cause her to vomit...but her body isn't utilizing its nutrients which
is causing the "failure to thrive"...Madison eats plenty...all day!!
Baby Games
November 2001
Likes to play PEEK A BOO only if you
manipulate the sheet...by 16 months...Madison does the sheet herself...just learned "baby so big" at 15 months...likes to
play the "pretty little princess" at 15 months...is just starting to wave at 16 months! Long hard road...but she's reaching
that destination! At 20 months, Madison initiates the "peek a boo" game...can clap to clapping songs, waves still with both
hands, and shows excitement by grabbing her head and smiling!! It is getting increasingly harder for her to manage...her
lack of communication is becoming frustrating for her, as well as for us.
Holds Own Bottle
November 17, 2001
Madison was 7 1/2 months before she
would even try to hold her own bottle...through therapy and frustration as the motivator...she finally conquered this task...at
16 months though she still gets tired and likes mommy to rock her and hold the bottle for her.
Sippy Cup / Cup
May 13, 2002
Madison can not / will not drink from
a sippy cup so in May (14 months) we began using a regular drinking glass with her...she can take little sips from it...she
makes a mess but loves to try. The sippy cup causes her to get upset...she doesn't like it in her mouth...only her spoon and
her bottle! Madison can not make a "pucker" with her lips part of her low tone...we are working on the sippy cups diligently
and own one of every kind! We work on the puckering with sour candy and lemons! At 20 months she is finally "Getting
it", although she still is dependent on her bottle for drinking! Now at 28 months she is drinking from most sippy cups, regular
cups, and straws...she especially loves her big brothers...juice boxes!!
October 2, 2002
18 months
July 2003
28 months
Madison is now a clapaholic...she claps all the time!! (appropriately)
Madison has begun to Clap, it isn't
very good and her coordination is off...but it definately has potential...and it's actually "cute" watching her try.
She misses at first but then concentrates to get her hands to hit together.
"Never, never be too proud
to say,
"I'm sorry," to your child
when you've made a mistake."
author unknown